rytytottu's Blog

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Episode Was Supposed To Bring

rytytottu posted @ 2015年6月23日 10:33 in 未分类 , 10135 阅读

Even the introduction of TWO new romantic relationships (between Sue Will AND Finn Teri) couldn save this episode!

Was it just me, Gleeks, or was last night episode the most boring yet? By bringing up the rivalry between Vocal Adrenaline and New Directions for no real reason a week before the finale, this episode just seemed like a giant waste of time! Not to mention that the opening number by Vocal Adrenaline, Julius Peppers Jersey One Bites The Dust, which was meant to intimidate New Directions was HORRIBLE!

Things got worse when Finn (Cory Monteith) and Puck (Mark Salling) took Fake Women Ray Ban Plastic Sunglasses jobs at Sheets Things to Authentic Letroy Guion Jersey pay for slashing the tires of every Vocal Adrenaline member luxury SUV. What tires you ask? Well, in yet another ridiculous Glee world occurrence, the entire team was given the cars by generous boosters. I have never seen a football team with a fleet of free cars, and those kids are far Fake Women Ray Ban Mix Match Sunglasses more popular than any singing group. This just served as a way of starting a potential relationship between Finn, Authentic Corey Linsley Jersey 16, and his boss, the newly divorced Teri Schuster (Jessalyn Gilsig), whose age is at least double Finn I say. Creepy!

There was some more bad singing, a chorus of dancing pregnant girls (apparently McKinley High School is littered with them?!), and then a painful scene where Rachel (Lea Michele) former boyfriend Jesse St. Fake Women Ray Ban Cats Sunglasses James (Jonathan Groff) got all of Vocal Adrenaline to egg her in the high school parking lot. I guess maybe everyone thought that by making this Fake Women Ray Ban Metal episode almost entirely unbearable we would love the finale that much more next week.

The episode one bright spot, though again unbelievably ridiculous, was Mr. Schuster (Matthew Morrison) plan to seduce Sue Sylvester (thenewly married Jane Lynch) to keep the glee club practice room which she planned to make in to a showcase for her overflow of cheerleading trophies. The two actors were amazing in their seduction scenes though this weekly escapade of the Glee Morgan Burnett Packers Jersey Club being shut down is getting old, and tired.

Elsa 说:
2023年2月25日 17:35

Last night's episode of Glee was a major letdown. It was a predictable attempt at building up tension between Vocal Adrenaline and New Directions, only to be completely eclipsed by the introduction of two new romantic relationships. The opening peter veres cancer help number by Vocal Adrenaline was excruciatingly painful to watch, and it was clear that the episode wasn't going to live up to its potential. It's a shame that the writers opted for such a lacklustre storyline, especially with the finale just around the corner.

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