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E Procurement Increase Profits Enhance Control Automate Your Procurement System

rytytottu posted @ 2015年6月23日 10:34 in 未分类 , 164 阅读

E Chandler Jones Patriots Jersey Procurement Increase Profits Authentic Stevan Ridley Jersey Enhance Control Automate Your Procurement SystemThe Business Case For E Procurement, A Caribbean PerspectiveIn order to understand e procurement one must understand first the supply chain and how e procurement can Stevan Ridley Patriots Jersey be used to enhance management of the supply chain.The objective of a Purchasing Manager or a Procurement Manger is to facilitate the in flow of goods and services to the organization, in such a way as to match specific organizational requirements, in the timeliest way, at the most advantageous prices.The supply chain in its simplest terms is the route we must travel to achieve this objective. in the shortest time, at minimum cost, producing the highest quality goods and services and thereby enabling generation of the highest profit. The supply chain has been around since the dawn of time and the first exchange of Chandler Jones Jersey goods and services. It was not called Supply Chain Management until as part of an evolutionary heritage, the term was coined by Consultant Keith Oliver of the strategy consulting form Booz Allen Hamilton in 1982.The application of e Procurement techniques provides a means of improving efficiencies in specific segments of the supply chain, thereby facilitating the achievement of the Procurement Manager's objectives.The supply chain encompasses all activities associated with the efficient flow and transformation of goods from the raw materials stage (extraction) through to the end user as well a associated information and financial flows. Material and information flow both up and down the supply chain. Supply chains also relate to services which in most cases require the availability of materials and or goods to support the delivery of the services. hotel services they require a the bringing together of a plethora of food and beverages, cleaning and gardening supplies etc. for final delivery. The same applies to janitorial services. A large global oil company for example which is engaged in exploration and development requires multiple and complex sets of direct and indirect supply chains comprising equipment, materials, consumables and professional services to deliver oil and gas which are its core objectives. Each of the supporting services both direct and indirect can be analysed in their distinct supply chains. This is a good example of how supply chains and services integrate with and are required to support supply chains for products. (Reference pages 2 4: Introduction to Supply Chain Management)Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the integration of these activities through improved supply chain relationships/processes to achieve a competitive advantage. (Introduction to Supply Chain Management Robert B. Handfield and Ernest L. Nichols Jr. Prentice Hall Press 1999). It is theprocess of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain of goods and or services with the purpose to satisfy organizational requirements as efficiently as possible. Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work in process inventory, and finished goods and services from point of origin to point of utilization. It in its entirety encompasses the informational and financial flows which support the supply chain. In essence, Supply Chain Management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.Supply Chain Event Management (abbreviated as SCEM) is a consideration of all possible occurring events and factors that can cause a disruption in a supply chain. With SCEM possible scenarios can be created and solutions can be planned.Some experts distinguish supply chain management and logistics, while others consider Dont'a Hightower Patriots Jersey the terms to be interchangeable.Linking e Procurement to Supply Chain ManagementMost organizations as we illustrated above, are members of multiple supply chains. An organization in each chain would typically offer a number of products and services, Authentic Chandler Jones Jersey purchases materials from a wide range of suppliers and sells to multiply customers. An organization to be effective and efficient must focus its efforts on those supply chains related processes and customers that offer the greatest potential to achieving the highest competitive advantage. The basic types of advantage are price, quality and delivery time.Development of supply chain process maps (flowcharts) for the most important supply chains and their processes within a company is Dont'a Hightower Jersey a useful technique to establishing and understanding the internal supply chain. This is best accomplished through the use of cross functional teams from all parts of the organization included in the supply chain under review. Team members must be knowledgeable regarding their part of the supply chain and must have an understanding of how their part interfaces with the other supply chain members. Once the key areas are understood, the opportunities to apply e Procurement will emerge.1. E procurement (Electronic Procurement) is the business to business (B2B) purchase and sale of supplies and services through the Internet as well as other information and networking systems, such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).2. An important part of many (B2B) sites,B2B Web sites can be sorted into:Company Web sites, since the target audience for many company Web sites is other companies and their employees. Company sites can be thought of as round the clock mini trade exhibits. Sometimes a company Web site serves as the entrance to an exclusive extranet available only to customers or registered site users. Some company Web sites sell directly from the site, effectively Authentic Dont'a Hightower Jersey e tailing to other businesses.Product supply and procurement exchanges, where a company purchasing agent can shop for supplies from vendors, request proposals, and, in some cases, bid to make a purchase at a desired price. Sometimes referred to as e procurement sites, some serve a range of industries and others focus on a niche market.Specialized or vertical industry portals which provide a "subWeb" of information, product listings, discussion groups, and other features. These vertical portal sites have a broader purpose than the procurement sites (although they may also support buying and selling).Brokering sites that act as an intermediary between someone wanting a product or service and potential providers. Equipment leasing is an example.Information sites (sometimes known as infomediary), which provide information about a particular industry for its companies and their employees. These include specialized search sites and trade and industry standards organization sites. 3. e procurement is also sometimes referred to by other terms, such as supplier exchange. Typically, e procurement Web sites allow qualified and registered users Stevan Ridley Jersey to look for buyers or sellers of goods and services.4. Depending on the approach, buyers or sellers may specify prices or invite bids. Transactions can be initiated and completed.

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